Gewer, A., (2012) Developing a framework for institutional planning and monitoring in FET colleges. JET Education Services

Author(s):  Gewer, A.
Publication year: 

Drawing on international models of good practice, this concept document outlines the emerging framework for M&E, introduced by the DHET in 2011, which takes into account the relationship between system-level monitoring and institutional monitoring. The document brings structure to the system-level framework, while at the institutional level it broadens the current range of measures within the college subsystem and locates them within a model that incorporates context, input, process, output and outcome measures. The framework seeks to achieve coherence between the measures and provide the DHET and the colleges with a basis from which to understand and analyse the relationship between different measures towards the achievement of outputs. This should enable the DHET and colleges to identify key obstacles which warrant intervention.

Type(s):  Paper